Minihud bounding box. Another use case would be to visualize iron golem spawn box. Minihud bounding box

Another use case would be to visualize iron golem spawn boxMinihud bounding box  And image 2 was what was suggested to me

The mod also adds hotkeys for toggling on/off the vanilla debug renderers for blocks collision boxes, heightmap, entity path finding etc. . 2 shows you many information lines on the screen. Some examples are the Computer Vision Annotation Toolbox, Labelbox, LabelImg. CurseForge is one of the biggest mod repositories in the world, serving communities like Minecraft, WoW, The Sims 4, and more. In addition to this not working with newer worlds, the way it bounds villages lacks the finesse of KaboPC's VillageMarker mod. Spawn Chunks; Light Level overlay with markers and/or numbers (configurable)Structure Bounding Boxes (These only work in single player, without a server-side mod! Currently the only server-side mods that send the data in a format that MiniHUD knows about are Servux and QuickCarpet. If you have FabricCarpet, then you also need Servux. Fortress mobs spawn here on nether brick blocks. If it crashes on launch then you either have an older malilib or MiniHUD or accidentally a Forge version of something. Yep they do, but they also can spawn in outpost's bounding box at any light level in grass and sand. ]A client-side Minecraft mod with configurable "info lines" ("mini-F3") and various overlays, such as light level and structure bounding boxes License LGPL-3. You can report bug in this project's issues. "Toggle Village structure bounding boxes rendering NOTE: This is the Village world gen structures! This is not the Village data you use for iron farms etc. Star 357. Basically, list coordinates of all bounding box coordinates of all mesh objects in the scene. 1 / 2. Here you can share your mods and modpacks, receive support as a player or as a mod dev, ask questions and discuss Fabric! 16K Members. 0 represents no overlap between the predicted and ground-truth bounding box, while 1. 14. Locked post. 181. Structure Bounding Boxes (These only work in single player, without a server-side mod! Currently the only server-side mods that send the data in a format that MiniHUD knows about are Servux and QuickCarpet. 118. Spawn Chunks; Light Level overlay with markers and/or numbers (configurable)A "mini F3" HUD mod, with light level, spawn & slime chunk overlays etc. If I understand correctly minihud is not yet released for 1. ), such that it should now also show "unknown" (non-hard-coded-in-the-mod i. 18. . 19. If interested, join the slack workspace where the paper is discussed, issues are worked through, and more! Click this link to join. 81,747 views December 26, 2022 Author: IrtiPlays Available for: Fabric, Forge. 5x scale font using the default colors. If you have FabricCarpet, then you also need Servux. They'll both show you the bounding boxes. 2. Same problem as #152. The mod also has various "overlay renderers", such as: spawn chunks. 2 update of the mod. The detector predicts a bounding box and the tree of probabilities, but since we use more than one softmax we need to traverse the tree to find the predicted class. I also consistently ran into geometry::PointCloud with 0 points using vol. no minihud overlays for 1. Suggest Masa's mod (and his other mods) as it has a LOT more features Edit: both these mods only show bounding boxes on singleplayer worlds. 记得看2p!. At the moment, it takes approximately 0. And if you're on a server, the server needs servux installed to send the bounding box info to the client's minihud. 1, 1. AABB stands for " Axis-Aligned Bounding Box . Structure Bounding Boxes (These only work in single player, without a server-side mod! Currently the only server-side mods that send the data in a format that MiniHUD knows about are Servux and QuickCarpet. txt file with one line for each bounding box. 128 Online. A "mini F3" HUD mod, with light level, spawn & slime chunk overlays etc. The query above will quickly locate all zipcodes that contain the SQLite main office in their bounding box, even if the R*Tree contains many entries. 5/1. They changed/renamed many of the bounding boxes in 1. 2): #. A few examples are shown below to illustrate this better. POSITION_COLOR); And the vertex of second point (Camera looks at Z-negative, which means you can only see the point with negative z. No branches or pull requests. 2, agrega la opción de mostrar varias «líneas de información» en la pantalla, al estilo F3. All available information displayed in 0. 0 devbuild. Here 0. crop_point_cloud(pcd) and couldn't get it working, but I found a. Swamp huts consist of a small square building made of spruce planks, with oak log pillars. there's a very useful (for many reasons) client mod which is called minihud, that mod can render pretty much all bounding boxes in the game, telling you where those mobs can spawn, since, as you said, the locational and exclusive spawning is not attached to the blocks themselves, but to the intangible and. AABB checks are often used as a coarse first-approximation to see if. Spawn Chunks; Light Level overlay with markers and/or numbers (configurable) ,三分钟速成指南-投影教程-三种常用模式演示-Litematica-MC,秒升百级!有了经验熔炉,附魔随心所欲!全版本通用!【基岩版】,【minecraft】挖一个史莱姆区块到底需要多肝?,【Minihud插件介绍】加载、群系、结构、刷怪范围、方块画圆!一个模组解决n个问题! October 14, 2021. 3D Bounding Box Estimation Using Deep Learning and Geometry. If you have FabricCarpet, then you also need Servux. Other things like slime chunk, light overlay do render but bounding box doesn't and I do have op on the server. Other mods I've used in the past (such as Bounding Box Reloaded) haven't been updated for a while. Spawn Chunks; Light Level overlay with markers and/or numbers (configurable) Use the Bounding Box Reloaded mod, or masa's MiniHud mod. Slime Chunks overlay. MaLiLib is a library mod containing shared code for masa's client-side mods. Development MiniHUD is free software under the terms of the GPL-v3 license. . For bounding boxes to work on a server, you would also have to have a mod on the server sending the data. 19. その他にも設定しておくと便利な機能がいくつかあります。. EDDxample. In our case, this means 13 * 13 * 5 boxes are predicted. 0 is the most optimal, meaning the predicted bounding box fully overlaps the ground-truth bounding box. Press B and G to open the configuration Gui. 0. 16. Either that or the mods are made by the community to help us find things like bounding boxes that can't be found in vanilla. For structure bounding boxes, you enable the types you want to see on the Structures tab in the config menu (H + C), and then you also need to set a hotkey for overlayStructureMainToggle on the Renderer Hotkeys tab, to be able to turn on the structure renderer itself. But in the 1. 15 then the blocks would be set but the bounding box could move you wouldn’t even really need minihud to check this (although I’d still recommend it) just go into a single layer world and check that the fortress is exactly the same in the exact same. Spawn Chunks. Update - 1. Spawn Chunks; Light Level overlay with markers and/or numbers (configurable)Description. If you have all the layers nested in one main layer. The structures changed a lot in vanilla in 1. Bounding Box Outline Reloaded. To find the minimal bounding box the algorithm. Download link: is fine if you want Nether Fortress bounding boxes but if you need witch huts the new block types can cause Minecraft 1. Structure Bounding Boxes (These only work in single player, without a server-side mod! Currently the only server-side mods that send the data in a format that MiniHUD knows about are Servux and QuickCarpet. If you have FabricCarpet, then you also need Servux. 5 (or any threshold value) with the. 2. 16. Link to MiniHUD: to MaLiLib: h. Build our class label + confidence text as well as draw the text above the bounding box (Lines 130-132). With over 800 million mods downloaded every month and over 11 million active monthly users, we are a growing community of avid gamers, always on the hunt for the next thing in user-generated content. Hello! So as the titles says I can't seem to figure out how to make MiniHUD structure bounding boxes work. I already have a pigman farm above the Nether bedrock ceiling, so I would absolutely love to build a Wither Skeleton farm up there too if I could, but it's not possible. • 13 days ago. Parameters: Name Type Description Default; img1_shape: tuple: The shape of the image that the bounding boxes are for, in the format of (height, width). 18. I've tried different keybinds. Type Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads; BBOutlineReloaded-2. Any feedback/ ideas to make this build better/ more interesting? The bounding box renders in the single player world but when I try it on a server it doesn't render. bufferBuilder. building a drowned farm in a pre-1. of the box. Each structure is composed of pieces (like a corridor for Nether Fortresses), which also have their own bounding box and can spawn multiple other pieces attached to them ( this is not true for every structure type. 17. amazonaws. Share Sort by: Best. A small subset of the available information displayed in 0. 17. The alignment (screen corner) and font size are configurable. You can experience this set of interfaces in Minecraft. Measure an angle or the radius of a circle by drawing two lines that start or end at the same point. 关于刷怪势能 bv1Fi4y147Rc minihud模组相关 BV1iE411F7Ym BV16C4y1h7UV cv6589199. Servux itself is never needed on the clients or in single player, it's only needed/useful on the server side. !", "Village. January 21, 2022 23:13. 151752. Then, the tool will automatically create annotation files, split your data to train and validation datasets, will create a YAML descriptor file, and then you can export and download the annotated data as a ZIP file. If you have FabricCarpet, then you also need Servux. No milestone. 0 release for 1. 2) Download Links. Java. Support LAN games; Clear caches between sessions with an option to keep caches between sessions - handy if you wanna load up a copy world, cache the bounding boxes, then log into a vanilla server and still see the bounding boxes. 0, and since it's a jar mod, you can't really run anything else with it. 45) are discarded, and only the top N predictions. gitignore. They do not generate in mangrove swamps. We then apply non-maximum suppression on Line 38 and draw the picked bounding boxes on Lines 42-43. Mob Despawn Sphere shape overlay. g. In version 0. I've tried different keybinds. 8 KB. Basically it contains all the configuration options, keybind stuff, most of the GUI code and a bunch of other utility stuff for the mods that use it. You expect each cell of the feature map to predict an object through one of it's bounding boxes if the center of the object falls in the receptive field of that cell. 1-0. Is this a known issue or just me and if it is known are there any fixes?. Draw a colored bounding box around the object (Lines 125 and 126). Spawn Chunks; Light Level overlay with markers and/or numbers (configurable) About half of the bounding box types are currently broken in the 0. The structure bounding box for the 4-way intersection is pictured above (top-down view), and consists of a 19 x 11 (height) x 19 volume centered on the floor block in the center of the intersection. Servux itself is never needed on the clients or in single player, it's only needed/useful on the server side. 全生物群系空岛生成. Structure Bounding Boxes (These only work in single player, without a server-side mod! Currently the only server-side mods that send the data in a format that MiniHUD knows about are Servux and QuickCarpet. im playing on spigot server, i have permission to use /seed command, everything works except bounding boxes of structures, i toggle the overlayStructureMainToggle, and structure has been enabled to render bounding box overlay. By looking at the information lines, you will know every aspect of the game. If you have FabricCarpet, then you also need Servux. Structure Bounding Boxes (These only work in single player, without a server-side mod! Currently the only server-side mods that send the data in a format that MiniHUD knows about are Servux and QuickCarpet. With over 800 million mods downloaded every month and over 11 million active monthly users, we are a growing community of avid gamers, always on the hunt for the next thing in user-generated content. The bounding box of the entire fortress. im playing on spigot server, i have permission to use /seed command, everything works except bounding boxes of structures, i toggle the overlayStructureMainToggle, and structure has been enabled to render bounding box overlay. Spawn Chunks; Light Level overlay with markers and/or numbers (configurable) In version 0. But my problem is that the pillagers in the pic spawned as they were part of the outpost's bounding box but outside it. The GrabCut algorithm works by: Accepting an input image with either (1) a bounding box that specified the location of the object in the image we. Been experimenting with new cherry blocks. If you have FabricCarpet, then you also need Servux. Even if you made the farm in 1. Bounding boxes: Bounding boxes are the most commonly used type of annotation in computer vision. As noted in the release note, the plugin now works out-of-the-box in X-Plane 11. Bedrock doesn't have a bounding box and instead guardians can spawn in 25 fixed points relative to the northwest corner of the monument; once the structure is drained hostile mobs can spawn anywhere in the monument where the block light level. 2, if this region was loaded in 1. slimechunks rendering. DrawMode. 1. ago. So bounding box is also regressed for the label, which has a smaller bounding box. Within the smaller individual bounding boxes (intersections, hallways, etc. g. Minihud has a function to show spawn chunks. Structure Bounding Boxes (These only work in single player, without a server-side mod! Currently the only server-side mods that send the data in a format that MiniHUD knows about are Servux and QuickCarpet. ago. - Fixed receiving structure bounding box data from the server (from the Servux mod) in multiplayer (caused by a 1. At the end of the year, the fund sends one over privileged kid to space camp for a day. I'm pretty certain no mods out there will "create" boxes around structures, at best you might have a command which makes a hollow box if you specify the corner coordinates but that doesn't really help much without minihud either. I've heard rumors of off-center bounding boxes etc. How can I see whats inside shulker boxes with out placing them down? is it a datapack or an other F3 thing? (if you dont know what i mean pic from Xisuma's video down v v v)A minimum bounding box is a rectangle (2D) or a box (3D) that contains all the geometries and has the particularity of having the smallest area/volume of all the possible containing rectangles/boxes. object_detection import draw_bbox def object_detection_with_bounding_boxes(filename, model="yolov3", confidence=0. No milestone. I check the minecraft logs to figure out the directories it's looking in for the server specific save. I'm trying to see the. Spawn Chunks; Light Level overlay with markers and/or numbers (configurable)My nether brick aligns with it; if you put a block above the bricks it's not in the box. Relations. They are inhabited by guardians and elder guardians. The u/Th4t_Zombie community on Reddit. If you have FabricCarpet, then you also need Servux. CLIENT) public class. A "mini F3" HUD mod, with light level, spawn & slime chunk overlays etc. How would I either load a bounding box in, or somehow create one. Spawn Chunks; Light Level overlay with markers and/or numbers (configurable) MiniHUD only shows bounding boxes for naturally generated villages, and as far as I'm aware Carpet only shows info specific to villagers (such as the iron-golem spawning range), rather than the village itself. In version 0. Bienvenidos a un nuevo vídeo. It is good for the in-game screen to display important and necessary information. 9, and 0. The structure bounding boxes overlay in MiniHUD needs a server-side mod to send the actual structure data. By looking at the information lines, you will know every aspect of the game. If it's on a server then the server will. I rewrote part of the structure bounding box renderer in MiniHUD a little bit a couple of days ago (in addition to fixing half of the structures being broken in the current 0. 16. If you have FabricCarpet, then you also need Servux. Spawn Chunks; Light Level overlay with markers and/or numbers (configurable) Structure Bounding Boxes (These only work in single player, without a server-side mod! Currently the only server-side mods that send the data in a format that MiniHUD knows about are Servux and QuickCarpet. Is there any way or mod to see the generated structure boundaries? I use minihud, and it works in singleplayer, but after some research i havent found any server side mods to send this world data to the client. Figure 1. Pillager outpost bounding box. 317413. X * Math. MiniHUD is an easy-to-use mod that has many helpful features. A bounding box is an invisible parallelepiped which can contain different Minecraft automatically generated structures. Fortress mobs spawn here on any valid block. ndarray): A numpy array of the annotated image. i'm standing near where i know there's a. Spawn Chunks; Light Level overlay with markers and/or numbers (configurable),三分钟速成指南-投影教程-三种常用模式演示-Litematica-MC,秒升百级!有了经验熔炉,附魔随心所欲!全版本通用!【基岩版】,【minecraft】挖一个史莱姆区块到底需要多肝?,【Minihud插件介绍】加载、群系、结构、刷怪范围、方块画圆!一个模组解决n个问题!October 14, 2021. 记得看2p!. Spawn Chunks; Light Level overlay with markers and/or numbers. In the 1. 1 on Jul 31, 2021. im playing on spigot server, i have permission to use /seed command, everything works except bounding boxes of. I just haven't added any new features to the 1. 17 fabric server, put servux in the mods folder, installed minihud client side, and did the following: execute /seed to give minihud the seed to work with toggled all all of the bounding boxes to true enabled bounding boxes by binding a hot key and visiting a shipwreck; However I found no outline around the. 31 KB Jul 6, 2023: 1. Minihud Reply replyUsing. 记得看2p!. 0. Java. Open f3 and look at the chunk stats (on my computer they're on the left side)CurseForge is one of the biggest mod repositories in the world, serving communities like Minecraft, WoW, The Sims 4, and more. 18. 4). The bounding box inputs were scaled to the range of [0,1], and, as we use the sigmoid activation function at the end, our predictions are in the range of [0,1], as well. Ocean monuments generate in. Also, since 1. Even the vanilla chunk border overlay and the block. No branches or pull requests. After only spending a total of about an hour actively at the farm, I have two stacks of wither skelly skulls, 8 beacons, have repaired full set of diamond tools and armor about 5 times and have spent roughly 2 stacks of emeralds from the coal production. LosBagros commented on Jul 31, 2021. The displayed information lines can also be. Object detection refers to the task of identifying various objects within an image and drawing a bounding box around each of them. If you have FabricCarpet, then you also need Servux. As you can imagine, not all boxes are accurate. Structure Bounding Boxes (These only work in single player, without a server-side mod! Currently the only server-side mods that send the data in a format that MiniHUD knows about are Servux and QuickCarpet. Oh yeah this actually makes a lot of sense. Other things like slime chunk, light overlay do render but bounding box doesn't and I do have op on the server. 4: FCOS Classification Map Encoding (Two Classes Object) The smaller bounding box has fewer representations in the classification map. With over 800 million mods downloaded every month and over 11 million active monthly users, we are a growing community of avid gamers, always on the hunt for the next thing in user-generated content. The alignment (corner of the screen), the background and the text color and the font size are configurable. If you have FabricCarpet, then you also need Servux. 6 p c ≤ 0. CurseForge is one of the biggest mod repositories in the world, serving communities like Minecraft, WoW, The Sims 4, and more. load_mask method generates the masks for every object in the image. Likewise, the glyph's ‘advance width’ is the increment to apply to the pen position during layout, and is not related to the glyph's ‘width’, which really is the glyph's bounding box width. Been experimenting with new cherry blocks. I don't know how exactly, but my guess is that you can edit it in with NBT-explorer. If you have FabricCarpet, then you also need Servux. With over 800 million mods downloaded every month and over 11 million active monthly users, we are a growing community of avid gamers, always on the hunt for the next thing in user-generated content. Any feedback/ ideas to make this build better/ more interesting?The bounding box renders in the single player world but when I try it on a server it doesn't render. Guardians drop more XP than a usual mob, making it faster than an enderman or a pigman farm. Structure Bounding Boxes (These only work in single player, without a server-side mod! Currently the only server-side mods that send the data in a format that MiniHUD knows about are Servux and QuickCarpet. 12. If you are in. Can't remember which. 6-1. 20210707. All required toggles are set to true i. the new CurseForge website, we'll be deprecating the Authors & Minecraft forums soon. I'm new to MiniHud so I'm unsure if I'm doing something wrong but I have enabled overlayStructureMainToggle aswell as Nether Fortress in structures, but the keybind does not seem to toggle the bounding box. If you have FabricCarpet, then you also need Servux. An Intersection over Union score > 0. us-west-2. ,相关视频:masa新桶,生存实用辅助MOD-Minecraft我的世界,MC玩家必不可缺的辅助模组TweakerMore够强大够实用!我的世界MC,Tweakroo和minihud的一些功能演示,[伐竹猫]MiniHUD的使用教程,[Minecraft网课系列]MiniHUD信息显示2分钟详细教程-速通版,投影模组常用功能介绍! Structure Bounding Boxes overlay. They'll both show you the bounding boxes. If you have FabricCarpet, then you also need Servux. Time to make a farm on the nether ceiling. 1. 【MC】方块碰撞体积显示和tickspeed MOD【EDDxample】共计2条视频,包括:Buggy Piston feat Bouncy Creeper & CollisionBoxMod Preview -3、 [ESP-ENG] Collision Box & TPS Mod!! - 1. In this video we will show you how to install and use the MiniHUD mod. I'm just getting started with installing some minecraft mods. Some gameplay parts of MineFortress. Which bounding box outlines where wither skeletons will spawn, the smaller red boxes surrounding the parts of the structure, or the overall big red box that spans the entire area covered? 11. minihud bounding boxes not appearing i set a keybind for turning on and off OverlayStrctureMainToggle and nothing happened when i turned it on, both with the. It is a type of bounding volume. If you have access to the files you can use NBT editor to find out the exact location. This article will focus on IoU loss functions ( GIoU loss, DIoU loss, and CIoU loss ). 5x scale font using the default colors. 18. For some current farm projects I want to use minihud for bounding boxes and the despawn sphere. The alignment (screen corner), background and text color and font size are configurable. (This is intentional, since it's not possible to account for older world generator versions, or custom or modified structures. The mod also has various "overlay renderers", such as: 1. Structure Bounding Boxes (These only work in single player, without a server-side mod! Currently the only server-side mods that send the data in a format that MiniHUD knows about are Servux and QuickCarpet. 4M subscribers in the Minecraft community. New comments cannot be posted. Structure Bounding Boxes (These only work in single player, without a server-side mod! Currently the only server-side mods that send the data in a format that MiniHUD knows about are Servux and QuickCarpet. You just need to open the in game config (H+C) then turn on all bounding boxes or the ones you want, set a keybind toggle and then look at those bounding boxes. Each text file contains one bounding-box (BBox) annotation for each of the objects in the image. 2 y 1. structure main toggle and ocean monument toggle, and the. Requires. Spawn Chunks; Light Level overlay with markers and/or numbers. 12 version MiniHUD can actually read that data from local structure files, such as the Temple. 2 in multiplayer(I have servux) and singleplayer. If you have FabricCarpet, then you also need Servux. Did you turn some of those on with the hotkeys you set in Renderer Hotkeys? Contrary to all the videos I've seen about Nether Fortress mob spawning, the Minecraft Wiki says fortress-specific mobs can spawn within the boundary box of the entire fortress: The spawning algorithm has two checks: It checks if the spawn coordinates are within the "bounding box" of a single piece (e. 2) is a client-side mod that allows displaying various “info lines” on the screen (“mini-F3”). This mod allows you to control your camera separately from your player. You can configure your own "mini-F3" screen, see a light level overlay on blocks, look into shu. 1 / 2. Its main feature is to display relevant info lines on the screen simulating the “mini” F3 debug screen in the Java edition. 16. Bounding Box Outline Reloaded mod download1. 6. Here is the code I wrote: from picamera. 10. Tried. 14. It is sufficient to find the smallest enclosing box for the convex hull. I actually have Bounding box outline currently, but I dont know how to view a sphere around me. ; train. All available information displayed in 0. Update. 4 devbuild. Figure 5: A more complicated picture of a sign with white background is OCR’d with OpenCV and Tesseract 4. Structure Bounding Boxes (These only work in single player, without a server-side mod! Currently the only server-side mods that send the data in a format that MiniHUD knows about are Servux and QuickCarpet. 3 participants. It displays the two types I expected, entity processing and lazy chunks in a 23x23 grid. 2) highlights in a variety of colors and styles the different structures & features of the game. -Spawn Chunks -Light Level overlay with markers and/or numbers (configurable) Structure Bounding Boxes (These only work in single player, without a server-side mod! Currently the only server-side mods that send the data in a format that MiniHUD knows about are Servux and QuickCarpet. -Structure Bounding Boxes (These only work in single player, without a server-side mod! Currently the only server-side mods that send the data in a format that MiniHUD knows about are Servux and QuickCarpet. If you have FabricCarpet, then you also need Servux. Mobs []CurseForge is one of the biggest mod repositories in the world, serving communities like Minecraft, WoW, The Sims 4, and more. To remove the duplicates, we are first going to select the box with the highest probability and output that as a prediction. 3, 1. Input image is divided into NxN grid cells. I specifically need to mark from a point, a sphere that is 256 blocks in diameter, or 128 blocks from the. 2. Click the Create tab on the Manage Features window. MiniHUD will get Forge ports for 1. 3-1. The predicted bounding boxes may look something like the following (the higher the confidence score, the fatter the box is drawn): For each bounding box, the cell also predicts a class. I just know that they (at least some shader packs) break simple line and colored polygon rendering such as the MiniHUD overlays. Multiplayer structure boundaries. Follow. Using the Minihud mod with structure bounding boxes enabled will let you spot the bounding box of a fortress long before its structures enter your view. I just made a shared platform for the golems to spawn, and then placed 4 villager clusters at the corners of the platform to increase the spawn rate without using redstone or chunk loaders. 19 generated river. MiniHUD doesn't show "spawning boxes", it shows structure bounding boxes. A CNN extracted features from each region, Support Vector Machine (SVM) classified the boxes, and a fully connected linear layer calibrated the bounding boxes. Hola. Bounding box doesn't work for 1. 5 is typically considered a “good” prediction. I have the general rendering, structure rendering, and also the nether fortress box set to true. PyTorch implementation for this paper. Help would be appreciated. Servux itself is never needed on the clients or in single player, it's only needed/useful on the dedicated server side in multiplayer. 18. 12. A small subset of the available information displayed in 0. Its only the hotkeys that. And image 2 was what was suggested to me. The AABB controls most village mechanics in one way or another. This report is generated from a file or URL submitted to this webservice on July 29th 2021 00:11:18 (UTC). Still a lot to do. Kiririn_Chan • 1 min. 869.